jeudi 6 novembre 2008

Playlist du 6 novembre 2008

- Générique : Propergol - Ground Proximity Warning System - Hermétique
- Ambre - Métempsycose - Ant-Zen
- Polygon - gestern (remix by Flint glass) - Brume records
- TzolkŽin - chuwen - Divine Comedy Records
- Architect - Dievorce - Hymen Records
- Black Lung - the dawn of love - Ant zen
- Absent - child 2 rmx -
- Empusae - falmek - Hands Productions
- Talvekoidik - power of ecleticism - Brume records
- Ah cama-sotz - leviathan - Hands Productions
- Syl kougai - R Daneel
- Scorn - the palomar - Ad Noiseam/Jarring Effects


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